

    I live in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland and I’m interested in photography, hill-walking, and outdoors/environment stuff in general. I have two adult daughters and three delightful grandchildren.

    This website is an amalgamation of my previous personal and professional sites. These were implemented using Wordpress but I found the task of managing the installation, dealing with malicious attacks and the poor performance to be increasingly irksome. I’ve now shut down my Wordpress sites and have re-implemented my web sites using Hugo, a static site generator. I’ve written some notes on my experiences with Hugo on my technology pages.

    I was Professor of Software Engineering at Lancaster University (1986-2006) and at St Andrews University (2006-2014). My area of expertise was in complex socio-technical systems - large scale complex system in organisations that include people and technology. There’s more information about my career in my professional pages.

    I have written a widely used software engineering textbook and a more recent book (2019) book about engineering software products.

    Created May 2020, updated August 2022.