I’ve been interested in photography since I was a student in the 1960s. I was drawn to photography through my interest in hill-walking and mountaineering so I mostly took landscape images. Then family and work commitments meant that I didn’t take many photos apart from family snaps for more than 25 years. I got back into photography in the mid-2000s, just as high-quality digital cameras were becoming affordable and I enthusiastically embraced digital imaging.
Now, as I explain in an opinion article, I’m becoming disenchanted with the perfection and reproducability of digital photography. I’d like to but don’t have time to re-discover analogue photography but I’m now spending more time creating abstract images and photographic impressions rather than technically perfect representative landscapes.
Under my Opinions section, I’ve written a few pieces on digital photography but I have now decided to move my images to an Adobe Portfolio site. I’ve done this to make it easier to maintain the site - Portfolio is integrated with Lightroom so I no longer need to worry about maintaining multiple copies of images and captions.
On my Portfolio site, I have a series of posts of photo-walks - outings with my camera illustrated with a few images and more extensive galleries, reflecting longer-term photographic projects. My most recent galleries reflect my current interests in more abstract representations and intimate landscapes.